All-Russian competition of educational programs, projects and methodological developments "pedagogical search". All-Russian competition of educational programs, projects and methodological developments "pedagogical search" Regulations on the competition of programs

Valentina Petrovna Dryantsova
Regulations on the competition educational programs

1 . Are common provisions

1.1. The present Position determines the procedure for conducting competition in the category"Best educational program» MBOU DOD DOOC "ORION"

1.2.. The competition is held in order to:

increasing the effectiveness of activities and pedagogical skills of additional teachers education;

support for teachers implementing innovative educational programs, promoting the creative, intellectual, physical development of children, promoting healthy lifestyle.

2. Participants competition

2.1. IN competition trainers and additional teachers participate education preschool"ORION"

2.2. The criterion for participation is the presence of the following documents:

application for participation;

educational program;

reviews of program(internal and external).

3. Organization and procedure competition.

3.1. Contest held at three stage:

Preparatory stage – October – 2014 (preparation of documentation, consultations with teachers, filling out an application for participation).

Main stage – November - February 2015 (direct work with the OP, writing a review).


4. Selection criteria

4.1. To select applicants competition criteria for evaluation are applied applicant programs, with the help of which you can assess the significance of the results of the stated programs for the establishment and system of additional education in general, realistic execution program events, the effectiveness of its implementation and prospects distribution:

a) Integrity programs(clarity and clarity of the formulation of goals and objectives, reflection in them of the focus programs; relationship between goals and objectives with expected results, content programs, forms and methods of teaching);

b) Effectiveness (availability of program educational results);

c) Methodological elaboration programs(validity of the methods used by the author; technical and didactic equipment programs(list of equipment, tools, materials and other training aids; reference lists);

d) Controllability – presence in program expected results, criteria for their evaluation and verification methods; manufacturability of the detection mechanism educational results;

f) Relevance and practical significance programs.

5.1. The main components of the presented Programs:

a) title page (indicates the type and type of educational institution and determines the age of students; name programs, Name training course; view educational program; step education);

b) explanatory note (indicates the rationale for relevance, novelty and significance programs; specifying goals; leading theoretical ideas, principles and technologies on which this program; role and place programs in educational student's route; justification for the selection of content and general logic in the sequence of its study, including the disclosure of connections between educational and extracurricular activities, interdisciplinary connections);

c) thematic planning:

syllabus: list of sections indicating the number of lecture and practical hours, forms of control;

Educational and thematic plan: list of topics and sections, sequence of their study; time to study, division into types of activities and forms, points of control, types of control;

e) control apparatus (control content (by sections, topics): requirements for knowledge and skills of students; forms of control and assessment system);

f) methodological support for educational process: leading methods, techniques, technologies, organizational forms training;

g) organization of training process: educational literature (title, authors); teaching aids; educational supplies;

h) terms of implementation programs: list of existing and being developed educational, scientific, methodological, didactic and material and technical equipment programs;

i) literature necessary for mastering course: for the pupil (student); for the teacher; mandatory, additional;

j) reviews of program(external, internal).

6. Manual competition.

6.1 Preparation, conduct, summing up and analysis Competition carried out by the organizing committee.

The organizing committee conducts all stages Competition, approves the composition of the expert commission, ensures Information Support competition(informing participants about the procedure competition; creation of a data bank about participants competition; preparation and posting of information on the institution’s website).

6.2 The expert commission evaluates programs, the assessment results are included in the conclusion (Annex 1) and sends it by March 25 current year to the director of the preschool educational center "ORION" For approval.

6.3. Based on the submitted lists, the director issues an order on the winners for awards. Winner competition receives the right to receive a one-time bonus payment and an honorable place on the Honor Board.


about the All-Russian competition

"Pedagogical search"

In order to update methodological support educational activities, implementation of innovative practices, increasing teaching potential educational organizations, preschool educational organizations, organizations additional education children, in accordance with a single calendar mass events for 2017 - 2018 The Center for Civil and Youth Initiatives "Idea" is conducting All-Russian competition of educational programs,projects and methodological developments"Pedagogical search"(hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1. Purpose and objectives of the Competition

1.1 Identification and distribution better experience scientific and methodological support educational process in educational organizations;

1.2 Increasing the role of educational organizations in the development of a child’s personality;

1.3 Development of creativity and enhancement professional excellence teachers and educators;

1.4 Identification and dissemination of best teaching practices.

2. Organizers of the Competition

2.1. The general management of the competition is carried out by the Center for Civil and Youth Initiatives “Idea” in Orenburg;

2.2. The organization and conduct of the Competition is the responsibility of the scientific and methodological department of the Central State Medical Institute “Idea”.

3. Participants of the Competition

3.1 Participants can take part in the Competition teaching staff educational organizations of all types and types;

3.2 Individual authors and teams can take part in the Competition.

4. Organization and timing of the Competition

4.1 The competition is held with September 19 2017 to November 4, 2017;

4.2 Summing up the results of the competition

4.3 Posting results on the Center’s website December 7, 2017;

4.4 Award material will be available for download on the Center’s website from December 7, 2017 to March 7, 2018. After this, from March 8, 2018 until May 8, 2018, the award material will be stored in the Center’s archives and subsequently deleted. Once the reward material is deleted, it will not be possible to restore it.


4.5 All works are sent ONLY to the Competition email box[email protected] Works sent to other email addresses of the center will not be accepted for consideration;

4.6 Works submitted to the Competition are not reviewed;

4.7 To the general package of work from educational institution you must fill out the application form (Appendix 2).

5. Conditions and content of the Competition

5.1. The educational program competition is held in the following categories:

  • technical;
  • natural science;
  • physical education - sports;
  • artistic;
  • tourism - local history;
  • social - pedagogical;
  • programs implemented in a temporary children's association (vacation programs);
  • additional educational programs in areas of extracurricular activities.

5.2. A competition of teaching materials is held in the following categories:

  • “Organization of developmental leisure in educational organizations”;
  • “Spiritual, moral and civic education of children”;
  • “Innovative model of methodological support of educational activities”;
  • “Artistic and aesthetic development of the younger generation”:
  • “Intellectual development of children of preschool, primary, middle and high school age.”

5.3.Types of methodological products:

6. Evaluation criteria competition work

6.1. Teaching materials:

  • relevance and novelty;
  • correspondence of the content to the addressee;
  • practical significance of the competition material;
  • originality of the author's idea, creative approach to the implementation of the competition work;
  • compliance of the presented material with the declared type of methodological products.

6.2. Educational programs:

  • relevance and distinctive features programs;
  • scientific and pedagogical validity;
  • practical orientation;
  • the presence of intersubject and intrasubject connections;
  • resource support for the program;
  • presence of a regional component.

7. Requirements for the design of materials

7.1. Competitive materials must meet the requirements for the development and design of methodological products;

7.2. The educational program for participation in the Competition must contain:

  • Name educational organization(according to the Charter);
  • name of the educational program;
  • nomination;
  • implementation period of this program;
  • efficiency and results (over the last 3 years);
  • information about the compiler(s).

7.3. Materials must be correctly designed (stylistic, spelling, etc.);

7.4. Materials that do not meet the specified requirements for participation in the competition are not allowed;

7.5 Attention! Works submitted to the competition must be AUTHOR'S OWN. The competition organizers do not welcome plagiarism. Copyright for the works remains with the participants of the competition. The organizing committee of the competition has the right, without notice and without explanation of reasons, to ignore the work of participants who violated the rules of the competition.

8. Summing up the results of the Competition.

8.1 The results of the Competition are summed up from November 6, 2017 to December 6, 2017;

8.2 All works submitted for the competition will be published on the websitein the “Methodological piggy bank” section so that site users can also use the materials when working with children;

8.3 All diplomas, certificates and Thanksgiving letters for participation are sent to electronic view on email address, from which it was accepted application December 7, 2017.

8.4 The need for printed diplomas must be reported to the competition organizers. Distribution of material in printed form is carried out within one month from the date of confirmation of the correctness of filling out the material.

9. Financing of the Competition

9.1 The Competition is financed through organizational contributions from participants. (Details for payment of the Competition, Appendix 1);

9.2 The registration fee is 160 rubles. This price includes - a diploma for the participant + personalized gratitude to the work supervisor (if there is a supervisor) + personalized gratitude to the organizer of the competition at the educational institution (if there is an organizer) in ELECTRONIC form;

9.3 When registering collective works, it is necessary to take into account the following: if the award material based on the results of the competition is necessary for each participant, then, accordingly, an registration fee is paid for each participant and each name is entered in the application in the list of participants. If award material is needed for a team, then the registration fee is paid 160 rubles and in the application the full names of the participants are not listed, but simply indicated something like this: a team of teachers (students), etc. one line in the application in the list of participants;

9.4 Attention! A confirmation document confirming payment of the registration fee is required. In any form. Work without a document will not be accepted. Phrases like: “We wrote you an SMS”, “I paid at 9.00”, etc. – are not a document and are not accepted;

9.5 The registration fee for award material in printed form is + 80 rub.. for one document. (This item is only for those who need to send award material via Russian Post);

9.6 Payment from one participating educational institution is made in ONE payment. There is no need to fill out a separate receipt for each participant. There is no need to pay for each participant separately, so as not to overpay an additional commission. The registration fee is made by one total amount by the number of participants. (If the registration fee has been paid, and there are still people who want to participate in the competition, you just need to pay the registration fee and send it with a second check);

9.7 A scanned receipt for payment of the registration fee is included as a separate file in one letter with the application and works of the Competition participants;

9.8 If several participants from one educational institution submit their works to the competition, then the application is compiled as a COMMON application. There is no need to fill out a separate application for each participant;

9.9. Corrections in award material if there are errors. If an error is made due to your fault (in the application), correction of the award material is paid:

10 rubles for one corrected document, if there is an error in the participant’s full name, title of the work, nomination or in the name of the leader.

15 rubles for one corrected application, regardless of the number of documents, if there is an error in the name of the educational institution.

Free if the error is our fault.

Competition entries are sent only to the coordinator’s email address:[email protected]

Contact phone numbers - 88001002684 – calls from all regions of Russia are free, work.

Coordinator: Morozova Venera Renatovna

1. General Provisions

Competition of scientific, methodological and applied developments in organization and support research activities students (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is a distance scientific and methodological program aimed at developing the education system and supporting educators, teachers, and methodologists from different regions of Russia.

The competition has been held since 2007. In 2018, the Competition is held within the framework of Project No. 17-2-010661 supported by the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society “Interregional network for the implementation of research and project activities students (scientific and practical education)". It is planned to publish the best developments in a series of collections.

The goal of the competition is to increase diversity and quality curricula, developments, materials that ensure the development of students’ research activities.

Competition objectives:

    stimulating pedagogical initiative, improving the professional skills of managers research work schoolchildren;

    identification and support of creative initiatives of young teachers in the field of methodological support for the development of educational and research activities of students;

    exchange of experience of teachers from various institutions and subject areas;

    expanding access for the teaching community to materials on organizing research activities;

    enriching the bank of educational developments, manuals, projects and programs to support student research activities.

Both individual authors and teams of authors can take part in the Competition.

The subject of consideration at the Competition is:

    educational programs various types(author's, elective courses, subjects of the basic curriculum, additional education, etc.);

    methodological developments and manuals for organizing student research activities in educational institutions various types; in the field and laboratory conditions; with children of different ages and at different levels of education (up to kindergarten to university), etc.

    didactic and practical materials used in research work;

    teaching aids and developments for preschoolers and schoolchildren on independent organization of research activities;

    projects and programs of research events (conferences, expeditions, etc.) with schoolchildren.

2. Management of the Competition

The founders of the Competition are the Interregional Public Movement of Creative Teachers “Researcher” and the magazine “Researcher”. Scientific support for the competition is provided by the Institute of Education of the National research university « graduate School economy."

Manages the competition Chief Editor"Researcher" magazine. The examination is organized by a working group approved by the editorial board of the journal “Researcher” and the Central Council of the Interregional Public Movement of Creative Teachers “Researcher”. The working group for organizing the examination attracts experts in the relevant areas of scientific knowledge from the editorial board and editorial council of the Researcher magazine, researchers from the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, as well as from specialized institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Education, faculties and departments of Moscow State University, Russian State University for the Humanities , Moscow State University of Pedagogical University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow State Pedagogical University and other universities.

3. Participants of the Competition

The competition is held among two age groups:

1 – students, undergraduates, graduate students, young professionals (aged 19 to 24 years);

2 – professional teachers, methodologists, specialists from various fields of psychological, pedagogical, natural science and humanitarian knowledge.

Individual authors as well as creative teams take part in the Competition. When submitting work by several authors, it is necessary to reflect the contribution of each of them in the presented development.

4. Procedure for holding the Competition

The competition is held in the following areas (nominations):

1. Psychological and pedagogical direction. Works of psychological and pedagogical orientation are accepted: those related to the study of age-related characteristics of the development of curiosity, human behavior in situations of uncertainty and novelty, the psychology of research activities, research abilities, age-related characteristics of the development of an individual’s research position, the formation of subjectivity in research activities; Related general questions organizing educational and research activities of students in different types of educational institutions and forms of work; organizing pedagogical support for the development of research abilities and mastery of research activities by students of different age groups (from kindergarten to university).

1.1. Educational and teaching aids.

1.2. Methodological developments.

1.3. Educational projects and programs.

1.4. Didactic materials.

1.5. Results of scientific psychological and pedagogical research.

2. Natural science direction. Methodological developments for conducting educational research with students in the field of natural sciences are being accepted. Priority is expected to be given to methodological developments that describe in detail the methods of mastering research methods in specific subject areas, as well as meta-subject ones, taking into account the age characteristics of children and adolescents. Considers manuals, materials and developments that can be used in various forms organizing the educational process (both in class and outside of class - on trips, on expeditions, etc.) to activate and instrumentalize independent search. Any kind of development is expected, creating a situation of knowledge of the surrounding world through independent discoveries.

2.1. Educational and teaching aids.

2.2. Methodological developments.

2.3. Educational projects and programs.

2.4. Didactic materials.

3. Humanitarian direction. Methodological developments for conducting educational research with students in the field of humanities are being accepted. Priority is expected to be given to methodological developments that describe in detail the methods of mastering research methods in specific subject areas, as well as meta-subject ones, taking into account the age characteristics of children and adolescents. We consider manuals, materials and developments that can be used in various forms of organizing the educational process (both in class and outside of class - on trips, on expeditions, etc.) to activate and instrumentalize independent search. Any kind of development is expected, creating a situation of knowledge of man and society, various cultural texts through independent discoveries.

3.1. Educational and teaching aids.

3.2. Methodological developments.

3.3. Educational projects and programs.

3.4. Didactic materials.

5. Requirements for competitive works

Works are uploaded to in electronic format via Google Form using the link:

Works in Russian are accepted for consideration.

The following types of author's works are accepted for the Competition: educational programs of various types (author's, elective courses, subjects of the basic curriculum, additional education, etc.); methodological developments and manuals for organizing student research activities in educational institutions of various types; in field and laboratory conditions; with children of different ages, etc.; didactic and practical materials used in research work; teaching aids and developments for schoolchildren on independent organization of research activities; projects and programs of research events (conferences, expeditions, etc.) with schoolchildren; Scientific research on the psychology of research activity, research activities, age-related characteristics of the development of research abilities.

Compiled materials, materials with plagiarism and a large volume of borrowings, without an author’s component, and not designed in accordance with the requirements of the Competition will not be accepted for consideration.

Development must be accompanied explanatory note, revealing it theoretical basis, specifying goals and objectives, explaining who it is intended for; explaining how this development relates to the educational process, etc.

Directly guidelines, description of the methodology or lesson constitute the second part of the work - the methodological one. Here you need to indicate the specifics of using the development depending on the age of the students, the conditions of the educational institution, and the training of teachers; give recommendations on what material, under what conditions and at what stage of organizing research activities it is more effective to use, etc.

At the end of the work, a pedagogical commentary is needed on possible modifications of the technique: is it possible to apply it in a different age group, comments regarding one’s own experience of working with this technique in different conditions - with different groups of children, different materials etc.

The appendix contains a list of research topics in the area under consideration, as well as sample forms requirements, protocols, presentation of results, etc.

The volume of one work is not limited. For a journal version of publication, it is recommended that the volume be kept within 1 pp. (40,000 characters with spaces), or divided into sections. Developments and original materials of a larger volume are considered for possible publication in the form of separate publications.

Requirements for work registration

The text of the work is provided in 12 font, single spacing, margins everywhere are 2 cm. The file must be in doc format. The file name must match the author's last name.

The title indicates the title of the work, the full name of the author, academic title and academic degree, position and place of work, city (locality).

In the text, highlighting p/f, italics, p/f and italics is allowed. Underlining is not allowed, except in exceptional cases.

Tables, pictures, diagrams, etc. must have signatures with continuous numbering and meaningful titles.

All graphic materials must be presented as separate graphic files in jpg or tif format with a resolution of at least 300 pixels.

When quoting, automatic subpage links to the source are provided indicating the pages of the quote.

When registering, provide the following information about the author(s):

    Full name (full name)

    date, month and year of birth

    Academic degree, title (if available)

    place of work, study (name given in full)

    position or course of study

    email address

    contact number

    mailing address with index for communication

6. Summing up and awarding the winners

All works submitted to the Competition are examined by specialists in the field of work.

Examination criteria:

    originality of the material;

    scientific correctness of materials;

    compliance with psychological and pedagogical requirements for working with students;

    methodological component - the possibility and feasibility of using the development by other teachers and specialists;

    compliance with the rules for formatting citations, references, bibliographies in accordance with the current Bibliographic GOST.

The main evaluation criterion is the possibility of practical use of the program, manual or development by other teachers when organizing student research activities.

Based on the results of the examination, the works are divided into laureates and those who did not pass the competition. The winners of the competition are further considered by the editorial board of the journal “Researcher” and the Central Council of the IODTP “Researcher” for nomination and acceptance for publication.

The final results of the competition are summed up by the editorial board of the Researcher magazine as materials are received. The final results of the competition are approved by October 1, 2018 at the Central Council of the IOMTP “Researcher”.

Methodological developments recognized by the laureates are published in the journal “Researcher” or the journal’s library as part of the series “ Methodological support" The work, in exceptional cases, may be called upon by the laureate, but not be published.

Organizations and individuals may establish valuable gifts and prizes to encourage the best authors.