Wot internal modules list. Tips for installing additional modules on different types of tanks. Which modules are easier to break through

Very soon world of tanks game can become the most popular, because every day there are more and more fans and ordinary fans. In this very article, we will tell you in detail about which modules you will need to improve in the first place, because many of them are responsible for a certain amount of experience you gain. It turns out that at the beginning of the game the player is at a loss - what to improve: caterpillars or towers?

First you need to decide on your responsibilities in the team. When choosing a firefly, which should shine on players for many, many other tanks and, in general, all artillery, you first need to install tracks on your tank and the engine itself. The advantage of light tanks lies in their lightness - that is, they are able to travel much faster than other tanks. In addition, these tanks have good maneuverability, which will simply decrease when you install some kind of gun or a new turret. In this position, the firefly, without even reaching the enemy itself, will soon be destroyed by enemy artillery. Despite this fact, you will need to modify (improve) the communication module, because if you do not, your light may simply not be noticeable.
If you want to choose a medium tank for yourself, then the modules must be installed in full accordance with the styles of your game. This means that if you like to ride in the rush, then it is best to start upgrading your own tank with a chassis that will add maneuverability and speed to your "monster". If you prefer to fight in the same way as heavy tanks, then first you need to install a new gun and turret.
If we are talking about heavy tanks, then it is worth noting that if a player chooses such a combat unit, then it is also best to install new weapon modules and turrets first. Motor power and speed can wait until the next experience gain, as it is less important than a gun and turret for a heavy tank.
For tank destroyers in this game, you first need to install weapons from all the modules, because these same machines can destroy all their enemies in a couple of shots.
It is worth noting that the artillery, which almost always stands in one place, engaging in shooting enemy tanks at the farthest distances, must also have a very powerful weapon, because the chassis of the tank can wait. Thus, the choice of the priority installation of some specific modules depends on several factors at once - you, dear World of Tanks players, must take them into account. Of course, the main principle of these very modules is to gain benefits directly in the battle itself, and they also depend on the player's preferences in the game itself.

From a tank in battle, you want maximum efficiency so that the team does not let you down, and it’s much more interesting to fight on a pumped car yourself. As experience and credits are gained, the player has the opportunity to improve the combat vehicle by installing additional modules and consumables. How is it most profitable to upgrade your tank when there are a lot of modules, and the number of places for them is limited?

Priority in the installation of additional equipment depends on the class of the tank, specifications and battle tactics chosen by the player himself.

So, here are some general tips for configuring equipment depending on the class of equipment.

Light tanks

These are the eyes of the team, they need the installation of coated optics, which adds 10% to the viewing radius. Installing a toolbox will reduce the repair time by 25% (a tank with a downed track quickly turns into a pile of burning metal). Also, improved ventilation will not hurt, giving + 5% to all the skills of the entire crew of the tank.

medium tanks

Firstly, a vertical aiming stabilizer, which reduces the spread of shells while moving, and secondly, coated optics, a fan or a toolbox.

Anti-tank self-propelled guns

These vehicles spend the entire battle standing in the bushes, and despite the fact that the game developers have provided them with less visibility, first of all install a camouflage net that reduces the visibility of a stationary tank by 25%.

Then there are reinforced aiming drives and a gun rammer, which speed up aiming and gun reloading by 10%. Or, instead of pickup drives, you can put a stereo tube that increases the viewing radius from a stationary tank by 25%.


Since the artillery has a long mixing and reloading, we put aiming drives and a rammer. The third module is optional - a camouflage net or a stereo tube.

Heavy tanks

Bands, like artillery with their long reloads, need a gun rammer, then a vertical stabilizer. The third module to choose from is optics or a fan.

As for consumables, there is a standard set for everyone here: a first aid kit, a repair kit and a fire extinguisher.

Of course, these are the most general rules, each specific type of tank requires an individual approach. During the game, experienced tankers upgrade their vehicles based on their personal experience, choosing the most convenient layout for yourself.

We present to your attention another interesting version of World of Tanks tank penetration skins - textures with marked vulnerabilities from Tankagroh.

To destroy an enemy in battle, you need to break through his armor and deal damage until you run out of durability points - the "health" of the tank. Some internal modules - fuel tanks, engine and ammo rack - can accelerate this process through fire or explosion. The armor of tanks is not equally strong everywhere and in some places it breaks through easier. Knowing these tricks allows you to play more effectively. But, given the number of combat vehicles in the game, remembering all the penetration zones is unrealistic. You may remember how to break through your main opponents at one level or another, but a rare or new combat vehicle can cause a lot of problems. It is in this case that penetration skins with marked vulnerabilities and internal modules will be especially useful.

Skins from Tankagroh are made bright and visible from afar. All penetration zones are marked with intuitive icons that clearly show which module is hidden behind the armor at a given point. For example, "shells" refers to the ammo rack and the ability to destroy a tank with one shot in case of critical damage. Such skins are especially handy when playing tank destroyers, when there is time to take a closer look and aim in battle. But even in the turmoil of close combat, due to the bright and contrasting color fill, you will always know where the vulnerable spots are - just shoot at the colored squares.

The skins archive contains all tanks from level 5 to 10. Accurate and current list can be seen in the vehicles folder for each of the nations.

Texture with vulnerabilities on the E 75, a German Tier 9 heavy tank:

The penetration skin is installed on the Soviet heavy tank of the eighth level IS-3. Intuitive icons are clearly visible:

A successful hit on a tank lowers its durability. The durability of equipment, depending on the settings, can be displayed as a percentage or in units.

During the battle, your durability indicator is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen above the tank status window. The status window also contains icons for modules and crew. Damage to modules and injuries to crew members have a significant impact on the combat capability of your tank.

Sometimes, when a module is damaged, the damage is done only to the module itself, without losing the tank's durability, and vice versa. However, in cases where the projectile, penetrating the armor, passes through the entire hull of the tank, its hit can simultaneously lead to a loss of the tank's strength and damage to the module or injury to crew members.

There is also a durability indicator for modules and crew. It is displayed using special color indicators located in the vehicle status window in the lower left corner of the screen. The game uses three types of indicators, depending on the degree of damage:

  • By default (not highlighted), the durability of the modules and the health of the crew is high enough to ensure the full combat capability of the tank.
  • A yellow indicator means the module is severely damaged but still functional. With a yellow indicator, the tracks continue to function at 100%, and the remaining modules only at 50%. For crew members, the yellow indicator is not used.
  • A red indicator means that the module or crew member is disabled. The health of a crew member can only be restored with the help of a First Aid Kit. The module will be repaired by the crew automatically before the yellow indicator appears, but this will take time.

A change in the module damage indicator or the status of a crew member is accompanied by a voice message.

Crew death

If the crew is completely incapacitated, the tank loses combat capability. In such a situation, it is considered that none of the crew can use equipment (for example, the First Aid Kit), so it is impossible to restore the tank's combat capability. The tank is considered destroyed, even if its durability has not yet been exhausted.

Ammunition rack explosion

If the ammo rack's health indicator reaches zero, an explosion occurs that completely destroys the tank and its crew, regardless of their health indicators. An explosion does not occur only if the ammo rack with a red indicator is empty.

Fire damage

A fire may occur in the following cases:

  • If the fuel tank's durability indicator is zero, the tank will automatically light up.
  • Any contact with the engine creates a risk of fire. Note that the transmission is considered part of the engine, but may be located quite far from the main engine compartment.

During a tank fire, its overall durability gradually decreases and damage is inflicted to modules and crew. The degree of damage depends on the model and level of the tank. The team may have time to put out the fire on their own, but it is better to extinguish it immediately with a fire extinguisher, as the fire may eventually completely destroy the car.

During the Patch 9.19 Public Test, many players put in a lot of effort in Ranked Battles, taking on an opponent that grew in strength with each rank they gained. But, until the intensity of passions reaches its climax (and this will definitely happen when the Ranked Battles beta season begins), you can relax and think about how best to spend bonds earned in the new mode.

For bonds (and only for them!) you can purchase pre-battle instructions and advanced equipment, which are used both in random and ranked battles, clan battles, tournaments, etc., increasing the efficiency of your vehicle and crew. And now in more detail.

advanced hardware

In Update 9.19, 6 types of advanced equipment will become available. They will work similarly to standard equipment, but with some differences: improved equipment will give a greater bonus to the parameters of the vehicle it is installed on, and improved equipment does not have classes. In addition, the simultaneous installation of standard and advanced equipment of the same type will not be possible. For example, it is impossible to simultaneously install a Rammer and an Experimental Loading System on a vehicle. Preparing the car for battle, you have to choose one thing.

  • Powder gas removal system increases the level of proficiency in the main specialty, as well as all the skills and abilities of crew members by 7.5%.
  • Complex of stabilization equipment Reduces dispersion while moving and traversing the turret by 25%.
  • Reduces reload time by 12.5%.
  • Wear-resistant pickup drives increase the speed of convergence by 12.5%.
  • Adjusted optics Increases view radius by 12.5%, up to a maximum of 445m.
  • Extended set of spare parts Increases repair speed by 40%.

To install advanced equipment, simply left-click on the equipment slot in the Garage and select the "Advanced Equipment" tab. Installed advanced equipment can be dismantled for gold and re-installed on any vehicle that can be equipped with conventional equipment of this type. For example, C powder gas removal system cannot be installed on open-cut equipment, and Experimental loading system cannot be mounted on magazine-loading vehicles such as the Bat.-Châtillon 25 t etc.

Pre-battle instructions

In addition to advanced equipment, bonds can be used to purchase special personal reserves called pre-battle instructions: six to enhance equipment and nine to improve the skills and abilities of the crew. One pre-combat instruction is valid for one battle. Depending on the type, the pre-combat instruction increases the performance characteristics of the vehicle, enhances the learned or unlearned skills / abilities of the crew.

Pre-combat instructions for equipment enhance the effect of installed equipment. For example, you have installed Rammer, Stabilizer and Coated Optics. Then you will activate a pre-combat instruction for any of the installed equipment - and in the next battle, the piece of equipment you have chosen will perform its role even more efficiently.

To install a pre-battle instruction, select the required one and click on it - if there are enough bonds, it will be purchased. To avoid inadvertently wasting bonds on pre-battle instructions, the automatic replenishment option is disabled by default. If necessary, it can be activated - in this case, after the end of the battle, the pre-battle instruction that was used in the battle will be automatically replenished.

Depending on the type, the cost of advanced equipment ranges from 3000 to 5000 bonds, and pre-battle instructions - from 2 to 12 bonds. Bonds will be credited at the end of each stage (their number depends on the rank obtained) and at the end of the season (the number depends on the position in the rating). For example, if you finish a stage at rank IV, you will receive 400 bonds. Rank III will give you 300 bonds, rank II will give you 200, and rank V will give you 500 bonds. If you stay at rank I, you will receive 100 bonds. If you are among the top 10% of players in the rating, you will receive 5750 bonds. Players in the next 15% will receive 3,250 bonds each. And those who fall into the next 25% will earn 1,500 bonds.

During the Ranked Battles beta season, we will closely monitor statistics and your feedback on improved equipment and pre-battle instructions. We will analyze the collected information and, if necessary, change their cost, effect and terms of use. Of course, as always, we will keep you updated on any changes.

Now, after reviewing the new products that can be purchased for bonds, it's time to concentrate before the start of the Ranked Battles beta season. Rank up and earn bonds to use pre-battle instructions and advanced equipment to maximize your effectiveness in battle!