Lost spaceship summary. Anatoly Ivanovich Moshkovsky, a lost spaceship. seven days of miracles, artist: Heinrich Oscar Valk (1984). Anatoly Ivanovich Moshkovsky Lost spaceship. Seven days of miracles

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Anatoly Ivanovich Moshkovsky

Lost spaceship. Seven days of miracles



Tolya stood with his brow furrowed.

It was all in vain... Everything, everything!

My father didn’t care that he had been preparing for this conversation for a whole month.

On this day, before his father arrived, Tolya sat in his room and thought for the last time about where to start the conversation. From the walls, colorful faces of inhabitants of other planets, drawn by his friend Alka, looked at him: long, wide, round, with one, two and even ten eyes; purple vines hung from the ceiling, fiery red shells tied to wires, and stuffed birds of unprecedented size with outstretched wings; against the walls lay blue, golden and black alien stones, large, but so light that they could easily be thrown across the room with a click; on the shelves there were books with very thin paper - a thousand or more pages each! - and with a small arrow on the binding: turn it - and the pages themselves turn at the speed you need.

My father brought all this from space missions and gave it to Tolya, who, from the time he learned to walk, raved about other worlds, dazzling, unknown, outlandish...

And so Tolya stood in the huge office, and his father repeated:

You can’t, son... Don’t you know that children under seventeen years of age are strictly prohibited from flying outside the solar system?

But why, dad? Can you tell me why?

It’s as if you don’t know yourself, you don’t read newspapers, don’t listen to the radio, don’t go to school where...

I'm listening! Understand! I'm studying! And therefore I know that this prohibition is outdated... Maybe I should show you the book “Scientific discoveries made by children over the past three years” again?

No need…

Tolin's father was a famous scientist, author of many books, vice-president of the Academy of Lepidoptera. Since childhood, he was so passionate about his butterflies that he never parted with a folding net and even studied them at home. The rarest butterflies, known in only two or three copies on Earth, were displayed in transparent boxes hanging on the walls of my father’s office. They were intricately painted by nature, and my father always showed them to guests with pride. In the cabinets and shelves of his office were kept boxes with tens of thousands of butterflies of the Earth and different planets where earthlings had visited; Here there were hundreds of books in different languages ​​of the Universe, dedicated to the same butterflies. And it seemed that the father could not live a day, not even an hour, without them!

And now he was answering Tolya and at the same time looking into the eyepiece of a small electron microscope to get a better look at the jagged wing of a butterfly with an unusually bright purple coloring. And Tolya, pale, quiet, big-eared, with sparkling eyes, stood at the table and looked at his father.

Tolya,” said the father, “you can’t do that!” Well, do you want me to put you on a spaceship that flies to the moon at seven fifteen tomorrow?

I don't want to go to the moon! Been there ten times! I know every stone and circus by heart! Soon they will open kindergartens there and they will come up with spacesuits for babies... Even our Zhora was there...

You should have gone with Seryozha Dubov and his father to Mars, they were calling you.

I don't want to go to Mars! I want to go super long...

I already answered you. It's like it's boring on Mars or even here... Oh, son, son!

I’m about to finish, son... Everything has its time, don’t rush, nothing will escape you. And on our Earth there is still a lot of undiscovered and mysterious... I am sure that your Andryusha Uvarov is not sitting idly in the archaeological camp; you know, they've already half-excavated the Inca city; they say it is almost completely preserved. And you could go with Andryusha and his brother. And the city of Khrustalny did not interest you, but it is in the very center of Antarctica... Well, admit it, how many radiograms did you receive from Petya Koltsov with an invitation to fly to him for at least a week?

“Ten,” Tolya said gloomily.

You see now! All your friends have gone away for the holidays in all directions, and you... Tolya, well, give me butterflies. Halve! This is so important...

I will catch you a billion butterflies, but not here, but there, only...

“You can’t, son,” the father repeated and sighed. - And don’t ask, don’t insist, learn to be patient... I beg you.

But you even fly to the most distant planets for your insects...

That’s right, I am sent there, and I also fly there at the request of these planets as a consultant. But for me, too, there are laws of the Highest Discipline, the Highest Conscience and the Highest Patience, and there are planets to which, for various reasons that depend and do not depend on me, I do not have the right to fly. But I'm an adult. And I cannot break the paragraph about children in the Instructions for Interstellar Flights. It was written by kind and wise people...

But why do they forget that children...

Tolya!... - The father leaned back in his chair in exhaustion. - Well, what kind of character do you have! You can’t even imagine what it’s like to fly there...

I can imagine! I am not afraid of anything! Dad, forgive me, but you... You're over-cautious! Above…

And in that case, you are super-brave, super-strange, super-boy! - Father stood up from the table, laughed and pulled him by the ear. - Are you eager to go super-distant, but have you learned to dive twenty meters? Have you read all five thousand pages of The Book of Oceans? Can you count the freckles on your own nose?

Tolya ran out of the office.

Those freckles again! These ridicule about the depth of his knowledge... Tolya rushed to his mother - she had already returned from her Academy of Clouds, where she was working on the problems of towing them to the arid regions of the Earth... But then he jumped away from the door: after all, his mother was also against his flight on top... - ah again this damned “over”! -...distant planets. And his brother, also a scientist who devoted his life to the life of crabs, did not support Tolya. And a sister who wrote poetry...

Tolya flew out of the apartment, pressed the green button glowing on the black board, and the elevator immediately rushed silently towards him. Tolya entered the cabin. How does this work out? He, Tolya, strives for the unusual, for the mysterious and lofty, and for them this...

Tolya sniffled, held back his tears and stepped out of the elevator. And he went out into the wide sunny courtyard. Plane trees grew here and roses bloomed - scarlet, white, yellow. Near one tree stood Zhora, nicknamed Glutton for his unheard-of, truly terrifying appetite. Besides, he was a cheerful fellow and a notorious slacker. There was no other boy like him in all of Sapphirn, and, as Tolin’s first friend Seryozha Dubov, who was now on Mars, assured, soon large excursions would be taken to their yard: let everyone know that there are still guys who can sit for hours lounging on a bench and do nothing and eat so much.

However, now Zhora was not idle and did not eat. He smelled the rose and at the same time looked out the window, behind which... Of course, he could not look out of any other window! He could only look out the window behind which Helen lived...

Here Tolya would have quickened his pace so that Glutton wouldn’t notice him, but Tolya walked slowly, and at the yellow booth with two robotic janitors who swept and watered the yard in the morning, he was overtaken by Glutton’s laughing voice:

Tolya, why are you sour? Did you cry?

Children's heads began to poke out of the windows of their large house, and this provoked Zhora the Glutton even more, and he wanted to add something, when suddenly he heard: - Glutton, do you want a banana? This was said by Alka Goryachev, the son of a famous artist and a bit of an artist himself, Tolin’s friend, not the very first, but also a very good one. Thin, fast, dexterous, he jumped out of the entrance with a bunch of yellow-green bananas, crooked like boomerangs.

Want! - Zhora-Glutton shouted, and Alka, tearing it from the bunch, threw one banana.

Zhora caught it, tore off the skin in three strips, put the damp-white, mealy fruit into his mouth and again looked at the windows with his tiny, lazy, cheerful eyes, sunk in his full, cheeky face, and began to chew with great appetite, then threw the peel behind the plane tree. and asked Alka for another one.

Eat! Chew! Enjoy! - Alka ran his hand over Zhora’s head against the grain with feeling and gave him another banana. And again the peel flew behind the plane tree...

Alka helped everyone out: whatever you ask him, he will help, do it, give it away.

Tell your father to lubricate the wipers better,” he reminded Zhora, “they always have a lot of work to do after you...

Zhorin's father was a mechanic who looked after the robots that cleaned up dust and dirt on their street. However, Zhora ignored Alka’s words.


Meanwhile, Tolya went out onto Discovery Boulevard. Under his feet - before the robots had time to remove them - dry, yellow acacia petals rustled, and sharp-nosed multi-colored autoplanes rushed past him with a thin melodious whistle.

Anatoly Ivanovich Moshkovsky

Lost spaceship. Seven days of miracles



Tolya stood with his brow furrowed.

It was all in vain... Everything, everything!

My father didn’t care that he had been preparing for this conversation for a whole month.

On this day, before his father arrived, Tolya sat in his room and thought for the last time about where to start the conversation. From the walls, colorful faces of inhabitants of other planets, drawn by his friend Alka, looked at him: long, wide, round, with one, two and even ten eyes; purple vines hung from the ceiling, fiery red shells tied to wires, and stuffed birds of unprecedented size with outstretched wings; against the walls lay blue, golden and black alien stones, large, but so light that they could easily be thrown across the room with a click; on the shelves there were books with very thin paper - a thousand or more pages each! - and with a small arrow on the binding: turn it - and the pages themselves turn at the speed you need.

My father brought all this from space missions and gave it to Tolya, who, from the time he learned to walk, raved about other worlds, dazzling, unknown, outlandish...

And so Tolya stood in the huge office, and his father repeated:

You can’t, son... Don’t you know that children under seventeen years of age are strictly prohibited from flying outside the solar system?

But why, dad? Can you tell me why?

It’s as if you don’t know yourself, you don’t read newspapers, don’t listen to the radio, don’t go to school where...

I'm listening! Understand! I'm studying! And therefore I know that this prohibition is outdated... Maybe I should show you the book “Scientific discoveries made by children over the past three years” again?

No need…

Tolin's father was a famous scientist, author of many books, vice-president of the Academy of Lepidoptera. Since childhood, he was so passionate about his butterflies that he never parted with a folding net and even studied them at home. The rarest butterflies, known in only two or three copies on Earth, were displayed in transparent boxes hanging on the walls of my father’s office. They were intricately painted by nature, and my father always showed them to guests with pride. In the cabinets and shelves of his office were kept boxes with tens of thousands of butterflies of the Earth and different planets where earthlings had visited; Here there were hundreds of books in different languages ​​of the Universe, dedicated to the same butterflies. And it seemed that the father could not live a day, not even an hour, without them!

And now he was answering Tolya and at the same time looking into the eyepiece of a small electron microscope to get a better look at the jagged wing of a butterfly with an unusually bright purple coloring. And Tolya, pale, quiet, big-eared, with sparkling eyes, stood at the table and looked at his father.

Tolya,” said the father, “you can’t do that!” Well, do you want me to put you on a spaceship that flies to the moon at seven fifteen tomorrow?

I don't want to go to the moon! Been there ten times! I know every stone and circus by heart! Soon they will open kindergartens there and they will come up with spacesuits for babies... Even our Zhora was there...

You should have gone with Seryozha Dubov and his father to Mars, they were calling you.

I don't want to go to Mars! I want to go super long...

I already answered you. It's like it's boring on Mars or even here... Oh, son, son!

I’m about to finish, son... Everything has its time, don’t rush, nothing will escape you. And on our Earth there is still a lot of undiscovered and mysterious... I am sure that your Andryusha Uvarov is not sitting idly in the archaeological camp; you know, they've already half-excavated the Inca city; they say it is almost completely preserved. And you could go with Andryusha and his brother. And the city of Khrustalny did not interest you, but it is in the very center of Antarctica... Well, admit it, how many radiograms did you receive from Petya Koltsov with an invitation to fly to him for at least a week?

“Ten,” Tolya said gloomily.

You see now! All your friends have gone away for the holidays in all directions, and you... Tolya, well, give me butterflies. Halve! This is so important...

I will catch you a billion butterflies, but not here, but there, only...

“You can’t, son,” the father repeated and sighed. - And don’t ask, don’t insist, learn to be patient... I beg you.

But you even fly to the most distant planets for your insects...

That’s right, I am sent there, and I also fly there at the request of these planets as a consultant. But for me, too, there are laws of the Highest Discipline, the Highest Conscience and the Highest Patience, and there are planets to which, for various reasons that depend and do not depend on me, I do not have the right to fly. But I'm an adult. And I cannot break the paragraph about children in the Instructions for Interstellar Flights. It was written by kind and wise people...

But why do they forget that children...

Tolya!... - The father leaned back in his chair in exhaustion. - Well, what kind of character do you have! You can’t even imagine what it’s like to fly there...

I can imagine! I am not afraid of anything! Dad, forgive me, but you... You're over-cautious! Above…

And in that case, you are super-brave, super-strange, super-boy! - Father stood up from the table, laughed and pulled him by the ear. - Are you eager to go super-distant, but have you learned to dive twenty meters? Have you read all five thousand pages of The Book of Oceans? Can you count the freckles on your own nose?

Tolya ran out of the office.

Those freckles again! These ridicule about the depth of his knowledge... Tolya rushed to his mother - she had already returned from her Academy of Clouds, where she was working on the problems of towing them to the arid regions of the Earth... But then he jumped away from the door: after all, his mother was also against his flight on top... - ah again this damned “over”! -...distant planets. And his brother, also a scientist who devoted his life to the life of crabs, did not support Tolya. And a sister who wrote poetry...

Tolya flew out of the apartment, pressed the green button glowing on the black board, and the elevator immediately rushed silently towards him. Tolya entered the cabin. How does this work out? He, Tolya, strives for the unusual, for the mysterious and lofty, and for them this...

Tolya sniffled, held back his tears and stepped out of the elevator. And he went out into the wide sunny courtyard. Plane trees grew here and roses bloomed - scarlet, white, yellow. Near one tree stood Zhora, nicknamed Glutton for his unheard-of, truly terrifying appetite. Besides, he was a cheerful fellow and a notorious slacker. There was no other boy like him in all of Sapphirn, and, as Tolin’s first friend Seryozha Dubov, who was now on Mars, assured, soon large excursions would be taken to their yard: let everyone know that there are still guys who can sit for hours lounging on a bench and do nothing and eat so much.



Tolya stood with his brow furrowed.

It was all in vain... Everything, everything!

My father didn’t care that he had been preparing for this conversation for a whole month.

On this day, before his father arrived, Tolya sat in his room and thought for the last time about where to start the conversation. From the walls, colorful faces of inhabitants of other planets, drawn by his friend Alka, looked at him: long, wide, round, with one, two and even ten eyes; purple vines hung from the ceiling, fiery red shells tied to wires, and stuffed birds of unprecedented size with outstretched wings; against the walls lay blue, golden and black alien stones, large, but so light that they could easily be thrown across the room with a click; on the shelves there were books with very thin paper - a thousand or more pages each! - and with a small arrow on the binding: turn it - and the pages themselves turn at the speed you need.

My father brought all this from space missions and gave it to Tolya, who, from the time he learned to walk, raved about other worlds, dazzling, unknown, outlandish...

And so Tolya stood in the huge office, and his father repeated:

You can’t, son... Don’t you know that children under seventeen years of age are strictly prohibited from flying outside the solar system?

But why, dad? Can you tell me why?

It’s as if you don’t know yourself, you don’t read newspapers, don’t listen to the radio, don’t go to school where...

I'm listening! Understand! I'm studying! And therefore I know that this prohibition is outdated... Maybe I should show you the book “Scientific discoveries made by children over the past three years” again?

No need…

Tolin's father was a famous scientist, author of many books, vice-president of the Academy of Lepidoptera. Since childhood, he was so passionate about his butterflies that he never parted with a folding net and even studied them at home. The rarest butterflies, known in only two or three copies on Earth, were displayed in transparent boxes hanging on the walls of my father’s office. They were intricately painted by nature, and my father always showed them to guests with pride. In the cabinets and shelves of his office were kept boxes with tens of thousands of butterflies of the Earth and different planets where earthlings had visited; Here there were hundreds of books in different languages ​​of the Universe, dedicated to the same butterflies. And it seemed that the father could not live a day, not even an hour, without them!

And now he was answering Tolya and at the same time looking into the eyepiece of a small electron microscope to get a better look at the jagged wing of a butterfly with an unusually bright purple coloring. And Tolya, pale, quiet, big-eared, with sparkling eyes, stood at the table and looked at his father.

Tolya,” said the father, “you can’t do that!” Well, do you want me to put you on a spaceship that flies to the moon at seven fifteen tomorrow?

I don't want to go to the moon! Been there ten times! I know every stone and circus by heart! Soon they will open kindergartens there and they will come up with spacesuits for babies... Even our Zhora was there...

You should have gone with Seryozha Dubov and his father to Mars, they were calling you.

I don't want to go to Mars! I want to go super long...

I already answered you. It's like it's boring on Mars or even here... Oh, son, son!

I’m about to finish, son... Everything has its time, don’t rush, nothing will escape you. And on our Earth there is still a lot of undiscovered and mysterious... I am sure that your Andryusha Uvarov is not sitting idly in the archaeological camp; you know, they've already half-excavated the Inca city; they say it is almost completely preserved. And you could go with Andryusha and his brother. And the city of Khrustalny did not interest you, but it is in the very center of Antarctica... Well, admit it, how many radiograms did you receive from Petya Koltsov with an invitation to fly to him for at least a week?

“Ten,” Tolya said gloomily.

You see now! All your friends have gone away for the holidays in all directions, and you... Tolya, well, give me butterflies. Halve! This is so important...

I will catch you a billion butterflies, but not here, but there, only...

“You can’t, son,” the father repeated and sighed. - And don’t ask, don’t insist, learn to be patient... I beg you.

But you even fly to the most distant planets for your insects...

That’s right, I am sent there, and I also fly there at the request of these planets as a consultant. But for me, too, there are laws of the Highest Discipline, the Highest Conscience and the Highest Patience, and there are planets to which, for various reasons that depend and do not depend on me, I do not have the right to fly. But I'm an adult. And I cannot break the paragraph about children in the Instructions for Interstellar Flights. It was written by kind and wise people...

But why do they forget that children...

Tolya!... - The father leaned back in his chair in exhaustion. - Well, what kind of character do you have! You can’t even imagine what it’s like to fly there...

I can imagine! I am not afraid of anything! Dad, forgive me, but you... You're over-cautious! Above…

And in that case, you are super-brave, super-strange, super-boy! - Father stood up from the table, laughed and pulled him by the ear. - Are you eager to go super-distant, but have you learned to dive twenty meters? Have you read all five thousand pages of The Book of Oceans? Can you count the freckles on your own nose?

Tolya ran out of the office.

Those freckles again! These ridicule about the depth of his knowledge... Tolya rushed to his mother - she had already returned from her Academy of Clouds, where she was working on the problems of towing them to the arid regions of the Earth... But then he jumped away from the door: after all, his mother was also against his flight on top... - ah again this damned “over”! -...distant planets. And his brother, also a scientist who devoted his life to the life of crabs, did not support Tolya. And a sister who wrote poetry...

Tolya flew out of the apartment, pressed the green button glowing on the black board, and the elevator immediately rushed silently towards him. Tolya entered the cabin. How does this work out? He, Tolya, strives for the unusual, for the mysterious and lofty, and for them this...

Tolya sniffled, held back his tears and stepped out of the elevator. And he went out into the wide sunny courtyard. Plane trees grew here and roses bloomed - scarlet, white, yellow. Near one tree stood Zhora, nicknamed Glutton for his unheard-of, truly terrifying appetite. Besides, he was a cheerful fellow and a notorious slacker. There was no other boy like him in all of Sapphirn, and, as Tolin’s first friend Seryozha Dubov, who was now on Mars, assured, soon large excursions would be taken to their yard: let everyone know that there are still guys who can sit for hours lounging on a bench and do nothing and eat so much.

However, now Zhora was not idle and did not eat. He smelled the rose and at the same time looked out the window, behind which... Of course, he could not look out of any other window! He could only look out the window behind which Helen lived...

Here Tolya would have quickened his pace so that Glutton wouldn’t notice him, but Tolya walked slowly, and at the yellow booth with two robotic janitors who swept and watered the yard in the morning, he was overtaken by Glutton’s laughing voice:

Tolya, why are you sour? Did you cry?

Children's heads began to poke out of the windows of their large house, and this provoked Zhora the Glutton even more, and he wanted to add something, when suddenly he heard: - Glutton, do you want a banana? This was said by Alka Goryachev, the son of a famous artist and a bit of an artist himself, Tolin’s friend, not the very first, but also a very good one. Thin, fast, dexterous, he jumped out of the entrance with a bunch of yellow-green bananas, crooked like boomerangs.