Law on public organizations of the Russian Federation. Law on public organizations of the Russian Federation Latest changes made to the law on public associations

Federal Law 82 “On Public Associations” regulates the legal relations of citizens that arise when exercising their right to participate in regulated groups. It is prescribed that foreign citizens have similar rights. Exceptions are cases expressly specified in legislative acts or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law 82 “On Public Associations” was adopted on April 14, 1995. It regulates the main issues related to the right of citizens to unite in groups and organizations. A summary of the law can be considered based on the structural list of its chapters:

  • general provisions - include the basic principles of the law, definitions and varieties;
  • the procedure for creating public associations, reorganization and abolition;
  • the rights and obligations of the combined group;
  • ownership and property management, supervision and control over execution;
  • liability for breaking the law;
  • international public associations and international relations.

Federal Law 82 is constantly being updated to update the legislative framework. The purpose of the changes is to optimize the provisions of legal acts, as well as their compliance with other documents adopted in the Russian Federation.

The latest changes to the Law “On Public Organizations” were made in 2016. They touched upon the wording of some articles. There are no later amendments to the law on associations for 2017.

Download Federal Law 82

Download Federal Law 82 “On Public Associations” Can . The document is presented in the current version for 2017. All recent changes have been made to the text. The proposed document is suitable both for obtaining information and for an in-depth study of the legislative framework on issues of association of citizens.

Latest changes made to the law on public associations

The latest changes to Federal Law 82 “On Public Associations” were made in 2016. On January 31, amendments were made to Article 4 of Federal Law 82. According to them, the wording of the first part on the content of the right of citizens to association was changed.

June 2, 2016 article 8 was supplemented with a fifth paragraph on the need to create a sole executive body. In some cases, a collegial executive body is formed.

Since 2016, no amendments have been introduced to Federal Law 82. A number of changes to the Law on Social Movements were made in earlier periods. They should be considered using the most relevant articles as an example.

Article 5 Federal Law 82 regulates the concept of social movement. This is understood as a voluntary non-profit formation based on the principle of self-government. It is prescribed that it is created on the initiative of citizens who unite in the presence of common interests to achieve common goals. No amendments have been made to the wording of Article 5 since the publication of the document.

Article 7 Federal Law“On Public Associations” prescribes the organizational and legal forms of possible formations. These include:

  • public organization;
  • movement;
  • fund;
  • institution;
  • public initiative body;
  • Political Party.

The last amendments to the article were introduced in 2002. According to them, the last paragraph was added, and the second part of Article 7 was abolished. This provision has no other editions.

In Federal Law 82 Federal Law article 29 prescribes the duties of public associations. These include the following aspects:

  • compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation, international legal norms and principles;
  • publication of an annual report on the use of own property;
  • the need to notify the registration authority of the continuation of its activities, indicating the current location and general information about the name and managers;
  • if there is a request from the registration authorities, provide all information and reports in the same form in which they are prepared for the tax service;
  • allow an authorized person of the registration authorities to attend events, provide other assistance in familiarizing themselves with the activities of the association;
  • provide complete information regarding the amount of money and property received from foreign sources.

The article separately regulates cases of repeated violation of duties. If an annual report is not submitted, the registration authority has the right to apply to the court to declare the association invalid. This principle applies to annual reports and the provision of related information.

Last changes to article 29 were introduced in 2014. They touched upon the wording of the paragraph on the provision of an annual report on confirmation of activities. The amendments made changed the word “name” to “name”.

A public organization is a membership-based public association created on the basis of joint activities to protect common interests and achieve the statutory goals of united citizens.

Members of a public organization, in accordance with its charter, can be individuals and legal entities - public associations, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law and laws on certain types of public associations.

The highest governing body of a public organization is the congress (conference) or general meeting. The permanent governing body of a public organization is an elected collegial body accountable to the congress (conference) or general meeting.

In the case of state registration of a public organization, its permanent governing body exercises the rights of a legal entity on behalf of the public organization and performs its duties in accordance with the charter.

Legal advice under Art. 8 of the Law on Public Associations

    Timur Bayborodov

    how to close a public organization

    • Lawyer's answer:

      State registration of a public association in connection with liquidation

      State registration of a public association in connection with voluntary liquidation is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs", taking into account the specifics of such registration established by special federal laws.

      After the conference (general meeting) makes decisions on the liquidation of a public association and the election (appointment) of a liquidation commission (liquidator), the following are sent to the registering authority within three days:

      Notification of a decision to liquidate a non-profit organization (form RN0005),

      Notification about the formation of a liquidation commission, the appointment of a liquidator (bankruptcy trustee) of a non-profit organization (form RN0006).

      Protocol on liquidation and formation of a liquidation commission (appointment of a liquidator) – 2 copies. .

      After the liquidation commission approves the interim liquidation balance sheet, the following documents are sent to the registration authority:

      Notification of the preparation of an interim liquidation balance sheet of a non-profit organization (form RN0007) with an attachment of the interim liquidation balance sheet.

      After completing the liquidation procedure, you must submit to the registration authority:

      1. Application for state registration of a non-profit organization in connection with its liquidation - form RN0008 (2 copies; the notary’s certification is affixed to only 1 copy)

      2. Liquidation balance sheet with a note from the tax authority on acceptance;

      3. Document confirming payment of state duty (1 original, 1 copy).

      4. For cancellation - the originals of the charter and certificate of state registration of the public association.

      If a public association does not have funds or other property, submitting a notification about the preparation of an interim liquidation balance sheet is possible simultaneously with filing an application for state registration of a non-profit organization in connection with its liquidation.

      Forms of documents for state registration of non-profit organizations are approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2006. No. 212 “On measures to implement certain provisions of federal laws regulating the activities of non-profit organizations.” (find in Consultant)

    Lyudmila Popova

    Help organize a charity fund for children!. I really want to know the step-by-step procedure and pitfalls when organizing a charity fund for orphans

    • Lawyer's answer:
  • Kristina Matveeva

    Is it possible to register a public organization other than a legal entity? If so, how? Then how to register an individual entrepreneur or a public organization. What's the order? And what do you need?

    • Lawyer's answer:
  • Ilya Udintsev

    I need to go away for a few weeks. the employer won't let you go. What can be done?

    • just punch him in the face or fuck him. he will fire you and fuck you on all 4 sides!

  • Tatiana Petrova

    Is it necessary to register public associations anywhere, or with the Ministry of Justice?

    • Lawyer's answer:

      No, actually registration is not required. If, for example, you got together with your comrades and declared yourself a public association, then, please, you are a public association. Art. 3 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 82-FZ "On Public Associations" Article 3. Content of the right of citizens to association Public associations created by citizens can register in the manner prescribed by this Federal Law and acquire the rights of a legal entity or function without state registration and acquisition rights of a legal entity. Art. 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims freedom of assembly in the Russian Federation, that is, no one is stopping you from declaring yourself a public association. But in this case, you will not be a public association for anyone but yourself, your charter will be considered an ordinary piece of paper, your leader will be an ordinary individual. face, no one will respect your rights as a public association, only the rights of individual citizens as a collection of individuals, you will also not have any benefits or privileges, since for the state you will not be a public association. Therefore, if you want to become an organization, you need to register with the Ministry of Justice. Article 21 of the Federal Law “On Public Associations”. To acquire the rights of a legal entity, a public association is subject to state registration in accordance with Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”) taking into account the procedure for state registration of public associations established by this Federal Law.

    Eduard Bektuganov

    What are the costs of starting a non-profit community organization? What are the costs in the future (contributions to the Pension Fund, etc.)? I am counting on a detailed answer with specific numbers. The organization plans to engage in volunteer activities, i.e. All employees will work on a voluntary basis. There is no idea of ​​making a profit. Is it really necessary to register such an organization officially? Is it possible to interact with a legal entity without registering a volunteer organization? persons ready to support the project?

    • Lawyer's answer:

      The procedure for the creation and further activities of public organizations is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, the Law “On Public Associations”, a number of special laws (for example, the Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons”), as well as the Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities” and individual entrepreneurs." Public organizations are created on the initiative of their founders - at least three individuals. The founders, along with individuals, may include legal entities - public associations, unless otherwise provided by the relevant special law. Members of a public organization, in accordance with its charter, can be individuals and legal entities - public associations, unless otherwise established by legislation on certain types of public associations. The founders of a public organization acquire membership in it automatically. Members of a public organization do not have ownership rights to a share of property owned by a public organization and are not liable for its obligations, just as a public organization is not liable for the obligations of its members. The total number of members of a public organization is not limited by law. The constituent document of a public organization is the Charter.

    Georgy Ubegailov

    I want to create a non-profit organization, how do I find out which legal form is most suitable, there are so many of them?

    • Lawyer's answer:

      Public and religious organizations (associations) A common feature of public and religious organizations (associations) is the purpose of their creation - they are created to satisfy spiritual or other non-material needs. Another sign is the commonality of interests of the uniting citizens. Consumer cooperatives. A consumer cooperative is recognized as a voluntary association of citizens and legal entities on the basis of membership in order to satisfy the material and other needs of the participants, carried out through the pooling of property share contributions by its members. Unlike other forms of non-profit organizations, income from the business activities of a cooperative is distributed among its members. Foundations The characteristics of a foundation as a non-profit organization are: lack of membership, property base created through voluntary property contributions. The Foundation is a kind of non-profit “bank”, where funds are first accumulated through donations, and then distributed for the statutory purposes of the Foundation - social, cultural, educational and other socially beneficial purposes. The Foundation is required to publish annual reports on the use of its assets. Institutions An institution is an organization created by the owner to carry out managerial, socio-cultural and other functions of a non-profit nature and financed partially or fully by this owner. At the same time, the property is assigned to the institution on the right of operational management, and not ownership. If the institution's funds are insufficient, the owner bears subsidiary liability for its obligations. Non-Profit Partnerships A non-profit partnership is a membership-based non-profit organization established by citizens and/or legal entities to assist its members in carrying out activities aimed at achieving socially beneficial goals. A distinctive feature of a non-profit partnership is the right of its members to a part of the property in the event of liquidation of the partnership or withdrawal from it. A non-profit partnership is convenient as an association of people of liberal professions (lawyers, doctors, writers, etc.) Autonomous non-profit organizations An autonomous non-profit organization is a non-profit organization that does not have membership, established by citizens and (or) legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions for the purpose of providing services in the field of education, healthcare, culture, science, law, physical culture, etc. The property transferred by the founders of the organization belongs to it by right of ownership. This form of non-profit organizations is most convenient for activities in the service sector. Associations of legal entities (associations and unions) Commercial and non-profit organizations can voluntarily unite into associations (unions) in order to coordinate their activities, as well as represent and protect common property interests. Members of the association (union) retain their independence and rights as a legal entity. State corporation A new form of non-profit organizations, introduced by Federal Law No. 140-FZ of July 8, 1999. A state corporation is recognized as a non-profit organization that does not have membership, established by the Russian Federation on the basis of a property contribution and created to carry out social, managerial or other socially useful functions. It is created on the basis of a law that establishes the specifics of its legal status. Which shape suits you?

    Denis Lesnoy

    System of environmental rights of organizations in the Russian Federation

    • Lawyer's answer:

      Citizens of the Russian Federation can exercise environmental rights and responsibilities both individually and through participation in public environmental associations. I would like to dwell a little on public associations. A public association is a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to realize common goals specified in the charter of the public association. The goals of creating public environmental associations include protecting the health of citizens, protecting their rights and legitimate interests, resolving disputes and conflicts in the implementation of environmental activities, preparing the population to overcome the consequences of natural disasters, industrial accidents and catastrophes, providing assistance to victims of such disasters and accidents, animal protection, protection and proper maintenance of specially protected natural objects and territories and others]. Public environmental associations can carry out their activities as a legal entity from the moment of state registration in the manner prescribed by law. State registration of public associations is carried out by justice authorities. Both founders and members of public environmental associations can be individuals and legal entities who have equal rights and obligations. Public organizations have been granted a number of powers to carry out their functions in the field of environmental protection. According to Art. 12 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2002. No. 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection” they have the right to: - develop and promote their environmental programs, protect the environmental rights and interests of the population, develop the environmental culture of the population, and involve citizens on a voluntary basis in active environmental activities; - at the expense of its own funds and the voluntary participation of the population, carry out work to protect and reproduce the natural environment, assist government agencies in the fight against environmental violations; - recommend their representatives to participate in the state environmental assessment, conduct a public environmental assessment; - demand, in an administrative or judicial manner, the cancellation of decisions on the placement, construction, operation of environmentally harmful facilities and the restriction, suspension, termination or repurposing of their activities; - demand the provision of timely, reliable and complete information about environmental pollution and measures to protect it; - organize meetings, rallies, processions, demonstrations, collect signatures, enter with proposals to discuss projects, referendums on environmental protection; - raise the issue of bringing guilty officials to justice, bring claims in court for compensation for damage to the health and property of citizens caused by environmental violations. The state guarantees environmental and other public associations performing environmental functions and citizens the opportunity to exercise their rights in the field of environmental protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. State bodies and their officials are obliged to provide all possible assistance to public associations and citizens in the implementation of their environmental rights and responsibilities, and to take the necessary measures to implement their proposals and requirements in organizing environmental activities.

    Elena Kolesnikova

    how to register a public organization???

    • How to register Public organization? Registration and activities Public organizations regulated by the following regulations: - Civil Code of the Russian Federation, - Federal by law dated January 12, 1996, 7-FZ O...

    Marina Dmitrieva

    Practical situation.. The registration authority (Ministry of Justice) received the charter of a social movement for registration. Section 3 of the Charter regulated the procedure for acquiring and losing membership in this public association. In particular, clause 3.12 read: “Withdrawal from the membership of the association is possible only after payment of the severance fee, the amount of which is determined by the board.” What is a social movement? What legislative act regulates the legal status of social movements? Can a social movement have a fixed membership? Will this social movement be registered?

    • Lawyer's answer: Sources of formation of the property of a public association The property of a public association is formed on the basis of entrance and membership fees, if their payment is provided for by the charter; voluntary contributions and donations; proceeds from lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, sports and other events held in accordance with the charter of the public association; income from business activities of a public association; civil transactions; foreign economic activity of the public association; other income not prohibited by law. 5).Article 21. State registration of public associations ...For state registration of a public association, the following documents are submitted to the federal state registration body or its corresponding territorial body: 1) an application signed by an authorized person (hereinafter referred to as the applicant), indicating his last name, name, patronymic, place of residence and contact numbers; 2) the charter of the public association in three copies; 3) an extract from the minutes of the founding congress (conference) or general meeting, containing information about the creation of a public association, the approval of its charter and the formation of governing bodies and a control and audit body; 4) information about the founders; 5) document confirming payment of state duty; 6) information about the address (location) of the permanent governing body of the public association, through which communication with the public association is carried out; 7) minutes of founding congresses (conferences) or general meetings of structural units for international, all-Russian and interregional public associations; 8) when using in the name of a public association the name of a citizen, symbols protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property or copyright, as well as the full name of another legal entity as part of its own name - documents confirming the authority to use them... Well, etc.
      • Lawyer's answer:

        What do you mean by social movement? Pratiya? association? union? non-profit organization? public association? If you are talking about a mass public association consisting of participants and not having membership, pursuing social, political and other socially useful goals supported by participants in the social movement, then from the age of 18. Article 19. Requirements for founders, members and participants of public associations Founders, members and participants of public associations may be citizens who have reached the age of 18, and legal entities - public associations, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law, as well as laws on certain types public associations.

      • Lawyer's answer:

        Compulsory social insurance is part of the state system of social protection of the population, the specificity of which is the insurance of working citizens, carried out in accordance with federal law, against possible changes in their financial and (or) social situation, including due to circumstances beyond their control. Social insurance is a special system of protecting working citizens and their dependent family members from loss of labor income upon the onset of incapacity due to old age, disability, illness, unemployment, maternity, or death of the breadwinner. Compulsory social insurance in Russia consists of 4 parts: Compulsory insurance in case of temporary disability (illness) or maternity; Compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases; Compulsory health insurance; Mandatory pension insurance. The billing period is a calendar year. Reporting period - first quarter, half year, nine months of the calendar year, calendar year. More details

      • Lawyer's answer:

        Autonomous non-profit organization. Its founders have no advantages - they are on an equal footing with other participants. The highest governing body is the collegium. The founders of the ANO independently determine the form and procedure for forming a collegial supreme governing body. The collegial supreme governing body of an ANO is the general meeting of founders or another collegial body (Board, Council and other forms, which may include founders, representatives of the founders, director of the ANO). The fund is not based on membership - its participants are not obliged to take part in the activities of the fund, do not participate in the management and are not responsible for the activities of the fund. Unlike a number of other non-profit organizations, the foundation does not have the right to participate in limited partnerships as a contributor. The founders, members and participants of public funds cannot be state authorities and local governments. The fund's board of trustees supervises the activities of the fund, the adoption of decisions by other bodies of the fund and ensuring their execution, the use of the fund's funds, and the fund's compliance with the law. The fund's board of trustees may apply to the court to liquidate the fund or make changes to its charter in cases provided for by law. The decisions made by the board of trustees are advisory in nature, in contrast to the decisions of the governing and executive bodies. Amendments to the foundation's charter, as well as its liquidation, are possible only through court proceedings. A public fund is a public association that does not have a membership, the purpose of which is to form property on the basis of voluntary contributions (and other revenues permitted by law) and to use this property for socially beneficial purposes). A public association can be created on the initiative of at least 3 individuals. Also, the founders, along with individuals, may include legal entities - public associations. Public associations can carry out business activities only to achieve the goals for which they were created. Income from business activities is not distributed among members of associations and should be used only to achieve statutory goals.

    • Eduard Tsyperson

      • Lawyer's answer:

        The task was poorly written. Nothing like this can happen in life. In life everything is much worse. Answer: The regional prosecutor must prepare a claim in court (a resolution to send the materials of the case of an administrative offense to the court) in the claim indicate violations of Art. 8.14. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Part 2 or Art. 6.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation to suspend the activities of an enterprise for a period of up to 90 days or impose an administrative fine - the decision is made by a judge. (Article 8.14 1. Violation of water use rules when collecting water, without withdrawing water and when discharging wastewater into water bodies - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; on officials - from one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period up to ninety days (as amended by Federal Laws dated 05/09/2005 N 45-FZ, dated 06/22/2007 N 116-FZ) 2. Violation of water use rules during the extraction of minerals, peat, sapropel on water bodies, as well as during the construction and operation of underwater and surface structures, during fishing, shipping, laying and operating oil pipelines and other product pipelines, carrying out dredging, blasting and other work, or during the construction or operation of dams, ports and other structures - (as amended by Federal Laws dated July 14, 2008 N 118-FZ, dated December 3, 2008 N 250-FZ) entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for officials - from three thousand to four thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles. (as amended by Federal Law No. 116-FZ of June 22, 2007) Article 6.5. Violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for drinking water, as well as for drinking and domestic water supply - (as amended by Federal Law dated July 14, 2008 N 118-FZ) entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles ; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand rubles; for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from two thousand to three thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; for legal entities - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days. ) I don’t know what your teachers want from you, but in the problem statement there is no factual side for each of the above offenses: violation of Art. 8.14 - this is a direct impact on water bodies, which does not follow from the conditions of the problem, since it should have been indicated that the extraction of rock is carried out from the depth of the aquifer, and a violation of Art. 6.5 is not confirmed by the results of laboratory tests, in addition, Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow itself can go to court for a decision to suspend operation in case of violation of Art. 6.5 - he does not need a prosecutor, and Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow does not make “demands to stop work” on legal entities - this is a state control and supervisory body, and not a public organization like “Green Peace”. Sanitary and epidemiological supervision centers are government institutions that provide supervisory activities of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow and do not address legal entities with “exhortations”. The “sanitary and epidemiological supervision bodies” ceased to exist in 2005 with the formation of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow). Good luck with your studies!

      Vasily Kubysh is a private institution if it is created by one person.

The Law “On Public Organizations of the Russian Federation” regulates relations relating to the exercise by people of the rights to form social institutions, carry out activities within their framework, and their reorganization/liquidation. The same legal possibilities are established for foreign individuals and stateless persons, except for the cases provided for in regulations.


The Law “On Public Organizations and Associations” applies to all social institutions formed by citizens. The exception is religious structures. Also, the normative act does not regulate the activities of commercial structures and non-profit unions and associations formed by them.

Citizens' rights

Individuals have the legal ability to form social institutions (public associations) on a voluntary basis. The purpose of their formation is to protect collective interests and implement common tasks. The right of people to associate also presupposes the opportunity to join or abstain from existing institutions, as well as to terminate membership in them without any difficulties or obstacles. The formation of social institutions thus ensures the realization of interests and rights. The Law “On Non-Profit Public Organizations” allows for their formation without the need to obtain prior permission from government agencies or local authorities. Citizens can join such social institutions, subject to compliance with the statutes. The Law “On the Establishment of Public Organizations” does not establish a mandatory requirement for registration. Such social institutions can operate without acquiring the rights of a legal entity. At the choice of citizens, a public organization can be registered in the manner prescribed by the law in question.

Normative base

The rights of individuals to associate, their content, the status of organizations, basic guarantees of the state, the procedure for activities, formation, liquidation/reorganization are regulated not only by the law in question, but also by the Civil Code, as well as a number of other regulations. The specifics of the formation, functioning, and structural transformations of certain types of social institutions can be regulated by specially adopted legal documents. Such organizations, for example, include trade unions, charitable foundations, etc. The regulations adopted regarding them must comply with the legal document in question. These institutions can carry out their activities until the adoption of relevant laws. In this case, their functioning is regulated by the document in question.


The Law “On Public Organizations” reveals the definition of a social institution. It is a self-governing, voluntary formation formed on the initiative of citizens. The structure carries out its activities on a non-commercial basis. Citizens form a social institution in accordance with common interests and goals, which are specified in the charter.


The Law “On Public Organizations” establishes that citizens and legal entities can act as founders of a social institution. These entities convene a congress at which they approve the charter and form a control, audit and management apparatus. The founders of a social institution, both legal entities and citizens, perform equal responsibilities and are endowed with equal rights. Members of a public organization – public associations(legal entities) and individuals. Their interest is manifested in the collective solution of the problems of the formed institute on the basis of the provisions of its charter. It is drawn up with appropriate documents (applications) that allow the number of members to be taken into account to ensure their equality as members of the organization. These entities are also endowed with equal legal opportunities and responsibilities. Members of a social institution can be elected and choose the composition of the supervisory, audit and management structures. They also have the right to exercise control over the activities of management bodies in accordance with the charter. If they fail to fulfill their duties or fail to comply with the requirements of the charter, members of a social institution may be expelled from it.


The Law “On Public Organizations” names legal entities and citizens who express support for the goals of the established institution and specific actions carried out by it. Such entities participate in the activities of the structure without the need to necessarily formalize the conditions of their assistance, unless otherwise provided for in the charter. Like founders and members, participants have equal responsibilities and rights.


The Law “On Public Organizations” allows for the formation of:

  1. Movements.
  2. Funds.
  3. Organizations.
  4. Institutions.
  5. Amateur bodies.
  6. Political parties.

Public organization

It is based on membership. Such a structure is formed to carry out joint activities. The goals of education are to ensure the protection of interests and the implementation of the tasks provided for in the charter. Legal entities and individuals can act as members, unless otherwise established by the Federal Law “On Public Organizations” under consideration. The highest governing structure of a social institution is considered to be a conference (congress) or meeting. The collegial body acts as a permanent management apparatus. He is accountable to the conference or general meeting. A social institution can undergo state registration. In this case, the permanent management apparatus exercises the rights of the legal entity on behalf of the organization and fulfills its duties in accordance with the charter.


As such, the Law “On Public Organizations of the Russian Federation” recognizes an institution consisting of participants not on the basis of membership. This structure is distinguished by its mass character. A movement may pursue political, social or other socially beneficial goals that are supported by its participants. The highest management apparatus is a conference/congress or meeting. The permanently operating body is an elected collegial structure. She is accountable to the meeting or congress. During state registration of a movement, its governing body, acting permanently, performs duties and exercises rights on behalf of the institute on the basis of the provisions of the charter.

Territorial distribution

Currently, interregional, all-Russian, regional and local organizations are functioning. The former should be understood as an institution whose activities are carried out on the basis of statutory goals in a territory covering less than half of all subjects of the country. In each district, they have their own branches, representative offices, and departments. An all-Russian organization is an association that operates in more than half of the country's regions. They also have their divisions in administrative-territorial units. Regional associations are organizations operating within the same subject. There are also local social institutions. They operate within the territory controlled by the local government. For more specific regulation of these institutions, special regulatory documents may be adopted. For example, the law “On regional public organizations”.


The regulatory document in question provides that:


The legislation formulates a number of prohibitions regarding the creation and subsequent activities of public organizations. In particular, the formation and functioning of social institutions whose goals or activities are characterized as extremist and aimed at inciting interethnic and other hatred is not allowed. This ban was introduced on August 10, 2002. A public organization may include in its program and founding documents provisions related to the protection of ideas about social justice. The formulation of such concepts cannot be considered as measures that contribute to inciting social discord. Restrictions on the formation of certain types of public associations (organizations) can be formulated and approved exclusively within the framework of federal legislation.